"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration."
- Nikola Tesla
Introducing the "Healy"

2,000 Practitioners in 45 Countries
Use Healy's Quantum Frequencies
World's Only Quantum Scanning with Artificial Intelligence Analysis and Adjustments
Welcome to Healy, a unique wearable/portable device that uses holistic Quantum Scanning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyze and balance you bioenergetically, every 10 seconds, drawing from a cloud database of over 144,000 frequencies. One of the most remarkable inventions in the health and wellness industry, Healy is a breakthrough health product.
The patented Healy Quantum and AI Technology sounds like science fiction — but it's science proven and validated by over 2,000 practitioners on over 500,000 individuals worldwide. The extraordinary German-made Healy is already in 45 countries, now available in the USA since 4/27/20.
PURCHASE nOWThe Healy Analyzes Frequencies in the Body

The human body is made up of 50 trillion vibrating cells, each requiring healthy cell voltage to stay alive. Quantum physics teaches that matter is ultimately energy and that humans are energy and the result of moon-creating resonance. The resonance is important in understanding how subtle energy directs and maintains health and wellness in human beings.
Imagine a portable, wearable technology designed to assist with energetic imbalances by directing cellular communication and increasing ATP by up to 500%. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things. By increasing ATP, we can bring the body back to a balanced homeostasis. Our cells constantly communicate through resonant frequency, much like tuning to the precise channel on your radio or TV. The difference in tuning the station to 101.3 or 101.4 is the difference in a clear signal vs. static (signal disruptor). Our cells act as transmitters and receivers. How our cells transmit and receive communication is impertative and can directly impact our health through their signal calling. In the same way, we can disrupt a good signal through an unhealthy lifestyle, environmental factors, etc. We can intentionally disrupt a poor signal (symptomatic poor health) with resonance. The way that a Healy can focus on healthy resonant frequency communication in cell function can impact our health, vitality, and our brain in ways we can only begin to imagine.
The human body is made up of 50 trillion vibrating cells, each requiring healthy cell voltage to stay alive. Quantum physics teaches that matter is ultimately energy and that humans are energy and the result of moon-creating resonance. The resonance is important in understanding how subtle energy directs and maintains health and wellness in human beings.
Imagine a portable, wearable technology designed to assist with energetic imbalances by directing cellular communication and increasing ATP by up to 500%. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things. By increasing ATP, we can bring the body back to a balanced homeostasis. Our cells constantly communicate through resonant frequency, much like tuning to the precise channel on your radio or TV. The difference in tuning the station to 101.3 or 101.4 is the difference in a clear signal vs. static (signal disruptor). Our cells act as transmitters and receivers. How our cells transmit and receive communication is impertative and can directly impact our health through their signal calling. In the same way, we can disrupt a good signal through an unhealthy lifestyle, environmental factors, etc. We can intentionally disrupt a poor signal (symptomatic poor health) with resonance. The way that a Healy can focus on healthy resonant frequency communication in cell function can impact our health, vitality, and our brain in ways we can only begin to imagine.
The German manufactured Healy was developed by Marcus Schmieke, the inventor of "Information Field Technology" and the TimeWaver Systems, in cooperation with an international team of doctors, scientists and engineers. After ten successful years with TimeWaver it was his desire to make the TimeWaver systems (16 patents) he has developed and the frequency support protocols, which have been practically proven in many practices thousands of times, accessible to everyone.
The Healy features up to 140 frequency program groups (drawn from a cloud database of 144,000 tested frequencies) uploaded to your Smartphone. You can automatically or manually select a supportive frequency program (i.e. pain, energy, memory, stress, anti-aging, weight management, libido, and much more) from your Smartphone and then transfer it to your Healy via bluetooth. During your ensuing bioenergetic frequency optimization session the Healy will constantly, via AI, adjust to your cellular energy wellness levels in real-time.
Through the science of quantum physics and AI (Artificial Intelligence), the wearable/portable Healy can scan and analyze your individual bioenergetic frequencies via a quantum sensor and biofeedback – then transmit back to you customized and specific frequencies to realign your cellular, emotional and/or energy centers back into bioenergetic balance. To put it more simply, Healy can talk directly to your cellular energy. It can ask your cells what they need to optimize themselves and then deliver the exact frequencies your cells ask for—or “resonate" with.
You can automatically or manually select a supportive frequency program (e.g., pain, energy, memory, stress, weight management, emotional well-being, hormonal balance, and much more) from your Smartphone and then transfer it to your Healy via Bluetooth.
Healy Optimizes
Your Cell Voltage and Cell Communication
The human body is made up of 50 trillion vibrating cells, each requiring healthy cell voltage to stay alive. Quantum physics teaches that matter is ultimately energy and that humans are energy and the result of moon-creating resonance. The resonance is important in understanding how subtle energy directs and maintains health and wellness in human beings.
Imagine a portable, wearable technology designed to assist with energetic imbalances by directing cellular communication and increasing ATP by up to 500%. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things. By increasing ATP, we can bring the body back to a balanced homeostasis. Our cells constantly communicate through resonant frequency, much like tuning to the precise channel on your radio or TV. The difference in tuning the station to 101.3 or 101.4 is the difference in a clear signal vs. static (signal disruptor). Our cells act as transmitters and receivers. How our cells transmit and receive communication is imperative and can directly impact our health through their signal calling. In the same way, we can disrupt a good signal through an unhealthy lifestyle, environmental factors, etc. We can intentionally disrupt a poor signal (symptomatic poor health) with resonance. The way that a Healy can focus on healthy resonant frequency communication in cell function can impact our health, vitality, and our brain in ways we can only begin to imagine.

The Human Body is Comprised of Nine Systems
And, what actually makes these systems?
What are tissues and organs made of?
What actually makes the cells?
What makes a molecule?
What makes an atom?
Sub-Atomic Particles
What makes a subatomic particle?

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.
Everything in life is vibration.
- Albert Einstein
COVID-19 Alert: Currently there are no FDA approved therapies or vaccines to treat or prevent COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Neither are these products intended to diagnose or treat any disease, including COVID-19. We support and encourage the practice of COVID-19 preventive measures published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you, your family, or customers experience any of the COVID-19 symptoms as described by WHO and the CDC, we urge you to seek medical diagnosis and treatment.
Healy has been cleared by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device for the relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. Always use your Healy in accordance with its instructions for use.
Disclaimer — Healy is designed to harmonize your bioenergetic field and enhance recovery, vitality, and wellbeing, not to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose, or prevent disease. The information on these pages is for reference and education only. It should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always seek that from a qualified medical professional. The existence of bioenergetic fields, information fields, acupuncture energy meridians, energy center chakras, auras, and the herein mentioned applications are not accepted by orthodox medicine because of lacking scientific evidence in accordance with orthodox medicine standards.